Peliti Statement about Dr. Vandana Shiva’s Work on Food Security

The application of scientific findings in the agricultural systems,  through promoting agro-ecology in order to achieve food security,  has been the aim of Dr. Vandana Shiva’s work during the last  decades. Four hundred scientists have been working for the UN for  over six years   and say that “we must look to small holder  traditional farming …

Girls dressed as boys, from Albania to Afghanistan

1) Sworn Virgins: Men by Choice in the Balkans By Daphnee Denis “Sworn virgins” (burrneshas in Albanian) are Albanian women who decide to ignore their female identity and live as men in the Balkans. Photographer Jill Peters traveled to Northern Albania to meet and photograph these women.  The decision to live as men is more related …

Για ειρήνη με διάρκεια, ακούστε τις γυναίκες

by Aditi Bhaduri NEW DELHI: Anael, an Israeli friend of mine, recently put up this post on her Facebook page. It was a sketch of the Biblical Abraham, ready to plunge a knife into his little boy, and a hand intervening from behind. Below it was the following message: ‘A Call to All Women: Abraham …

The Policy of Gender Equality in Greece

Many thanks to the Centre for Gender Studies, Panteion University, School of Political Sciences. This note provides an overview of the itinerary of equality legislation and policies in Greece since the 1980s in the areas of employment, work/family reconciliation, decision-making, health and violence against women. the achievements and gains of the pre-2009 period are at risk in the current climate of …

L’utopie libérale du service sexuel

Vouloir la légalisation de la prostitution implique de nier sa dimension sexiste, mais aussi de gommer les rapports de forces sociaux et économiques particulièrement violents qui y sont à l’œuvre. par Mona Chollet Les « travailleurs du sexe » qui militent pour la légalisation de leur activité insistent souvent sur le fait qu’ils sont indépendants …