Why women are increasingly at the mercy of the Ebola outbreak

Across Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone women continue to be infected and killed by Ebola at devastatingly high rates. The reasons behind this are largely recognised; gender roles, understandings and practices lay at the heart. Surprisingly, these are not so detached from those we face in the ‘West’. Although gender dynamics continue to position women …

Prosecutor rejected complaint report of five HIV-positive women

The calvary for the pilloried HIV-positive women is endless. A few days ago, the prosecutor rejected the lawsuit that five of the HIV-positive women, who suffered persecution and were insulted in May 2012, while eleven of them were trialed for misdemeanor on March 28, 2014. The lawsuit was submitted by the five women, along with …

Lots of governmental signatures, little progress

Cairo+20: what progress has been made on women’s rights? Twenty years ago, 179 governments signed a landmark agreement that put women’s rights, empowerment and well-being at the centre of discussions about population growth and development. The outcome of the International Conference on Population and Development, held in Cairo in 1994, moved away from the prevailing …

How Sweden’s Feminist Party is Changing European Politics

How Sweden’s Feminist Party is Changing European Politics and Possibly the World by Crystal Shepeard Democratic countries tend to believe, at least in theory, in the concept of equality and shared responsibility for society. Whether it is working conditions, voting rights or health care, countries vary on how well they achieve these goals. While the …

The Silent Sex: Gender, Deliberation, and Institutions

Book presentation The Silent Sex: Gender, Deliberation, and Institutions Christopher F. Karpowitz & Tali Mendelberg To read the entire book description or the introduction, please visit: http://press.princeton.edu/titles/10402.html Do women participate in and influence meetings equally with men? Does gender shape how a meeting is run and whose voices are heard? The Silent Sex shows how the …