Global movement votes to adopt policy to protect human rights of sex workers

A crucial vote to protect the human rights of sex workers was passed today in Dublin at Amnesty International’s decision-making forum, the International Council Meeting (ICM). Delegates from around the world authorized the International Board to develop and adopt a policy on the issue. “Sex workers are one of the most marginalized groups in the world …

Who is benefitting from the crime of trafficking? Stop Hypocrisy. Time to act now!

Statement of EWL and partners for the 5th meeting of the EU Civil Society Platform on Trafficking in Human Beings (21-22 May 2015, Brussels) [Brussels, 21 May 2015] As the 5th meeting of the EU Civil Society Platform on Trafficking in Human Beings is about to start, our organisations call on the EU member states …

L’utopie libérale du service sexuel

Vouloir la légalisation de la prostitution implique de nier sa dimension sexiste, mais aussi de gommer les rapports de forces sociaux et économiques particulièrement violents qui y sont à l’œuvre. par Mona Chollet Les « travailleurs du sexe » qui militent pour la légalisation de leur activité insistent souvent sur le fait qu’ils sont indépendants …