Malala Yousafzai – Nobel Laureate & Education Activist, Announces Marriage

The 24-year-old Pakistani human rights campaigner posted images on Twitter of her celebration [Getty] Nobel Prize laureate and education activist Malala Yousafzai announced her marriage on Twitter on Tuesday. The 24-year-old Pakistani human rights campaigner who was shot by the Taliban for daring to want an education posted images on Twitter of her celebration on Tuesday with Asser …

Amnesty International publishes policy and research on protection of ’issued women rights

Found by Alexia Tsouni  The electronic newspaper « Το Μωβ » does not consider the prostitution of a profession,but violence against women .Agrees to the protection of extradited women or persons , but not to its recognition as a profession . If a customer is bad you need to manage it yourself to the end. …

From Afghan Refugee To Danish Footballer: Nadia Nadim’s Incredible Journey

Nadia Nadim is a 33-year-old footballer who plays for Denmark, but she is not your average athlete. Nadia Nadim’s story of tragedy and triumph is an inspiration to many – and it’s currently going viral on social media. While Ms Nadim is today considered to be one of the most influential football players, particularly after …

Νέα δήμαρχος στο Σαντιάγκο, με πρόγραμμα κοινωνικών μεταρρυθμίσεων

Αλιεύει η Εύη Κυπαρίσση   Μια εξαιρετικά σημαντική στιγμή για τα κοινωνικά κινήματα της Χιλής εγκυμονούσαν οι αυτοδιοικητικές κάλπες της Κυριακής, καθώς φύσηξε άνεμος αλλαγής και εξελέγη δήμαρχος η 30χρονη μαρξίστρια ακτιβίστρια Ιρασί Χάσλερ. «Ολα αυτά τα χρόνια είδα στην πόλη μας την αδιανόητη επισφάλεια, την ακραία φτώχεια, την εγκατάλειψη, τις διακρίσεις, την απουσία στοιχειωδών …

Chloé Zhao Becomes Second Woman in History to Win Oscar for Best Director

For the first time in more than a decade — and only the second time in history — a woman has won the Oscar for best director. Chloé Zhao on Sunday night took home the Academy Award for best director for “Nomadland,” a sweeping drama about a widow in her 60s (Frances McDormand) who travels …