‘Public health’, ‘social solidarity’ and a modern Greek tragedy…

By Dr. Maria Fotopoulou, Sofia Galinaki and Chara-Ismini Papageorgiou1 We are writing these lines in November 2018; 6 years after the Greek Ministry of Public Health and Social Solidary first issued Health Regulation No GY/39A, which gave the Greek police the power to detain drug users, amongst other groups, for forced HIV testing and compulsory …

Argentina’s Anticapitalist Feminism

Proposed by Sonia Mitralia   AN INTERVIEW WITH LUCI CAVALLERO, VERÓNICA GAGO PAULA VARELA CAMILA BARÓN, GABRIELA MITIDIERI TRANSLATION BY KAREN DOMÍNGUEZ BURKE A bill to legalize abortion narrowly failed in the Argentinian Senate. But feminist movements have already effected a social revolution in South America. On August 8 the Argentine Senate, by a narrow …

Argentine Senate rejects safe abortion bill; activists say struggle will continue

The vote occurred even as over 1.5 million people mobilized in front of Congress demanding “Legal abortion now!” Gatherings also took place around the world The Argentine Senate rejected the Bill of Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy on Thursday despite hundreds of thousands of people gathering outside the congress in support of the bill that would …

Five Reasons Migration Is a Feminist Issue

The needs of women and girl migrants are falling through the cracks. Izdihar, a Syrian refugee in Jordan. © UNFPA Jordan/Sima Diab UNFPA-April 9, 2018 – UNITED NATIONS, New York – International leaders are convening at United Nations Headquarters, New York, to discuss the critical issue of migration and human mobility, a megatrend that is reshaping the global landscape. …