Sex Talk Realness: How I Have Sex With a Disability

Women with disabilities are often portrayed either as fragile flowers or oversexed, needing to be protected from the world and from their own sex drive. But in truth, most women with disabilities experience the same desire for pleasure, love, and physical connection as any other woman. In this week’s Sex Talk Realness, spoke with …

EWL-ILGA Open Letter to European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans

Brussels, 24 March 2015] This morning, the European Women’s Lobby and ILGA-Europe, the European Region of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association sent an Open Letter to European Commission Vice President Timmermans and European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality on the topic of the promised EU LGBTI strategy and the …

Homeless Ohio Woman Walked Miles to Face Her Attacker in Court

A homeless woman in Ohio said that she sometimes had to walk three hours to court or the man who raped her would have been free to victimize another woman. The Columbus Dispatch reported that the homeless woman had been raped on March 12 last year while she was sleeping under an E. Broad Street bridge. She …

Après des années de silence, les femmes de Turquie partent en bataille contre l’oppression

Elif Shafak Un viol brutal et un meurtre ont galvanisé les femmes à manifester et attirer l’attention sur les crimes liés au genre. Mais ceci est un pays où la patriarcat est fortement enraciné. Comme étudiante de secondaire en Turquie, chaque fois que je prenais le bus, je m’assurais de garder en main une aiguille …

Istanbul hospitals refuse abortions as government’s attitude hardens

Manifestation de femmes turques contre Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in 2012, après qu’il ait dit qu’il considérait l’avortement comme un meurtre. Photograph: Bulent Kilic/AFP/Getty Images La plupart des hôpitaux à Istanbul violent la loi en refusant de pratiquer des avortements, ont constaté des groupes de droits des femmes en Turquie. Les militantes de l’abri des femmes …