The 595 struggling women cleaners return to their jobs

Enthusiasm among the struggling women cleaners of the Ministry of Economy, after the first statements of the new government that they will be reinstated back to their posts. This was the commitment of SYRIZA from the beginning of this struggle. The women welcomed yesterday the new leadership of the Ministry with celebration and flags, while …

Palestinian girl, 14, locked up in Israeli prison for two months for throwing rocks

A 14-year-old Palestinian girl who was tried before an Israeli military court for throwing rocks at passing cars in the West Bank has been sentenced to two months in prison. The case of Malak al-Khatib, from Betin, in the West Bank, has gripped Palestinians who say her treatment demonstrates Israel’s ‘excessive’ measures against stone-throwing youths. …

Not a single female minister in SYRIZA’s leftwing government

This government, that was built on a hopeful vision about a deep change to be made in economic and social models that had been leading in Greek society for a long time, has disappointed us, feminists, not only because there are only 6 women in a 40-person government (a percentage of 15%, among the lowest …

Kobané libérée par les combattants-tes Kurdes

Après quatre mois de combats, les combattantes et les combattants kurdes de Kobané, dans le Nord de la Syrie, viennent de chasser l’Organisation de l’Etat islamique (Daesh) et de libérer la ville. C’est une victoire de la liberté et de l’égalité réalisée aux prix d’immenses sacrifices des YPG du PKK, de l’ensemble du peuple kurde …