Statement of Feminists and Women’s Rights Organizations from the Global South

Call for a Feminist COVID-19 Policy The following statement has been endorsed by nearly 1160 individuals and women’s networks and organizations globally, from more than 100 countries, to demand States to adopt a feminist policy to address the extraordinary challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in a manner that is consistent with human rights standards and principles. This initiative was …

The Coronavirus Is a Disaster for Feminism

Pandemics affect men and women differently. Article by Helen Lewis Proposed by Alexia Tsouni Enough already. When people try to be cheerful about social distancing and working from home, noting that William Shakespeare and Isaac Newton did some of their best work while England was ravaged by the plague, there is an obvious response: Neither …

Coronavirus Is the Perfect Disaster for ‘Disaster Capitalism’

17/3/2020 Sent by Sissy Vovoy Naomi Klein explains how governments and the global elite will exploit a pandemic. The coronavirus is officially a global pandemic that has so far infected 10 times more people than SARS did. Schools, university systems, museums, and theaters across the U.S. are shutting down, and soon, entire cities may be …