From Afghan Refugee To Danish Footballer: Nadia Nadim’s Incredible Journey

Nadia Nadim is a 33-year-old footballer who plays for Denmark, but she is not your average athlete. Nadia Nadim’s story of tragedy and triumph is an inspiration to many – and it’s currently going viral on social media. While Ms Nadim is today considered to be one of the most influential football players, particularly after …

Ηusband admits murdering his wife Caroline Crouch

Greek pilot husband ADMITS murdering his British wife Caroline Crouch by ‘suffocating her with a pillow in front of their baby’ then ‘drowning their dog as part of cover-up’ after fitness tracker destroyed his alibi Babis Anagnostopoulos has confessed to killing his wife Caroline Crouch  The 20-year-old Briton had threatened to leave him and take …

Νέα δήμαρχος στο Σαντιάγκο, με πρόγραμμα κοινωνικών μεταρρυθμίσεων

Αλιεύει η Εύη Κυπαρίσση   Μια εξαιρετικά σημαντική στιγμή για τα κοινωνικά κινήματα της Χιλής εγκυμονούσαν οι αυτοδιοικητικές κάλπες της Κυριακής, καθώς φύσηξε άνεμος αλλαγής και εξελέγη δήμαρχος η 30χρονη μαρξίστρια ακτιβίστρια Ιρασί Χάσλερ. «Ολα αυτά τα χρόνια είδα στην πόλη μας την αδιανόητη επισφάλεια, την ακραία φτώχεια, την εγκατάλειψη, τις διακρίσεις, την απουσία στοιχειωδών …

AMNESTY Greece: Safety of women and children at risk as MPs vote on law which would breach Istanbul Convention

The Greek Parliament will today vote on proposed changes to the Civil Code which would allow perpetrators of domestic violence or sexual offences to retain child custody until they are convicted by a first instance court. Ahead of the vote, Amnesty International has joined women’s groups and civil society organizations to call on Greek authorities …

‘A game-changing moment’: Chile constitution could set new gender equality standard

Chileans to elect 155-strong assembly made up of equivalent men and women to set out new framework and enshrine equal rights Women’s rights activists in Chile say that the country’s new constitution will catalyze progress for women in the country – and could set a new global standard for gender equality in politics. In a two-day …